README file for the Wildcat Linux driver. Driver Version: 0.0.3 Release number: 05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Legal Notices ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright(c) 3Dlabs 2003 All rights reserved. Including software, file formats, and audio-visual displays; may be used pursuant to applicable software license agreement; contains confidential and proprietary information of 3Dlabs and/or third parties which is protected by copyright and trade secret law and may not be provided or otherwise made available without proper authorization. Restricted Rights Legend. Use duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c) (1) and (2) of Commercial Computer Software -- Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable. Unpublished -- rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. Other trademarks: Red Hat (r) is a trademark of Red Hat, Inc. XFree86 is a trademark of The XFree86 Project, Inc, and is pending registration. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ System requirements: Intel processor based system running Red Hat Linux version 9.0, with the appropriate patch level kernel loaded. Only modular kernels are supported. The Wildcat driver contains a loadable kernel module, and will not run on a non-modular kernel configuration. The kernel development and kernel source packages matching your kernel must be installed. Available on Red Hat CDs or download from Red Hat web page or mirror sites. GNU compiler and libraries. These are normally installed with the development packages from the distribution CDs, or available from Red Hat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INSTALLATION HELP This version of the Wildcat driver for Linux has a package that includes three files: install.s - The custom installer script that will configure, compile and install the driver for your kernel. wildcat-X.X.X.tar.gz - The tar/gzip archive of the driver components and files needed to create and install the custom Wildcat driver. README - The file you are viewing now, containing product and help information for the driver package. To install the driver, log into your system as "root",place the three files in a temporary directory, and execute the "install.s" script. The installation will proceed by itself. If any problems occur,the install script will print out information for you. You can refer to this section of the README file to resolve any problems that occur. You will need to edit your video and monitor settings in the /etc/X11/XF86Config or XF86Config-4 file before running XFree86. See the CONFIGURATION section for Wildcat settings information. NOTE: For the remainder of this file, "XF86Config" may be used to refer to the configuration file; however, you may use either /etc/X11/XF86Config or XF86Config-4. Installation Problems: If the driver does not install on your system, check to make sure you have met all the requirements listed above for the driver and video card to run on your system. The message generated by the install script and the information below should help you with installation problems. You can also contact 3Dlabs support if the information here does not help solve your problem. Root login: Make sure you are logged in as root or a super user. You can not install the video driver unless you have root privileges. Errors creating files/directories, or unpacking files etc.: Make sure you are logged in as root, as described above. Check to be sure you placed the driver package files on to a writeable partition. The install script will create its own working directory in the directory where you placed it. Make sure all the Wildcat driver files are together in the same directory. The optimal thing to do is create a temporary directory with nothing in it, and place the driver files there. Then from the command line, run the "install.s" script. Compiler errors: In order for the Wildcat driver to work in Linux, the DRM module must be compiled to match the kernel on which it will be running. The install package for the Wildcat driver includes an object file and Wildcat specific header files to compile the DRM module for your kernel. If a compile error occurs,contact 3Dlabs support for help with your particular system and installation. Do not try to modify the source header files that are generated while the package is being installed. It is a good idea to re-check your system to insure you have the GNU compiler, kernel development, and kernel source packages installed correctly on your system. For Red Hat distributions, these are available on your CDs or via download for one of the Red Hat mirror sites. If everything is installed correctly, then the driver should install without any problems. NOTE: This driver will not install for a non-modular kernel. If you are running a non-modular kernel, you can not install the Wildcat driver. The Wildcat accelerated 3D video driver requires a modular kernel. About RPM: The normal method of installing packages on a Red Hat Linux distribution is via the RPM package management software. The Wildcat custom driver will create a driver RPM package and install it for you. This allows the driver to be registered in the RPM database on your system, and it allows for easy removal using the RPM command line. See the RPM documentation for more information on RPM package management. If RPM is not installed on your system, the custom driver will still be installed on your system, using a more generic method. After installation, you will need to modify your XF86Config file, to configure your monitor and video settings before starting XFree86. Generic Installation: The generic installation will place the files where they should go, and ready the system for the driver to operate. You will need to set your configuration parameters in the XF86Config file before starting XFree86. After the Install script is complete: The install.s script will display a completion message. Once the driver is installed, you will need to configure your XF86Config file before starting XFree86, in order for the driver to be found and used by XFree86. The information for this is listed in the following README sections. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DRM MODULE LOAD On some systems it may be necessary to load the DRM module after the install is complete. This is dependent on any changes made to the module load processes at boot time that deviate from the normal distribution configuration for Red Hat Linux. To load the Wildcat DRM module before starting XFree86, perform the following command at the command prompt: /sbin/insmod wildcat To unload the DRM module: /sbin/rmmod wildcat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONFIGURATION For detailed information about the configuration file for XFree86, refer to the manpage for XF86Config. You can modify the sections in your configuration file using the information listed here. DEVICE SECTION: Example: Section "Device" Identifier "Wildcat Graphics" Driver "wildcat" VendorName "3Dlabs" #option "DualDisplay" #option "DualDisplayVertical" option "SynVerBlank" "0" option "HWAccumEnable" "1" #option "MSEnable" "1" #option "MSForceEnable" "1" #option "MSPreallocSlots" "1" #option "DynamicSlotSize" "8" option "TexMemGlobal" "1" option "OcclusionTestEnable" "1" option "FSStereoEnable" "0" EndSection The example above lists the options supported by this Wildcat driver. Using Dual Displays: Two display monitors can be placed either side by side or one above the other (vertical). Together the two displays form a single desktop (screen). In terms of XFree86 configuration, there is only one 'screen'. So there is only one screen section in the XF86Config file. Both displays must have the same resolution. The resolution defined in the screen section of the XF86Config file will be used for both displays. Only one monitor section in the XF86Config file is used for both monitors. If the monitors are different, then the capabilities of the inferior monitor should be configured in the monitor section of the XF86Config file. Dual display mode is enabled by the presence of the "DualDisplay" option in the "Device" section of the XF86Config file. To use the displays in a vertical fashion, (one above the other), also include the "DualDisplayVertical" option in the "Device" section of the XF86Config file. To Enable frame sequential stereo: 1. Turn on option "FSStereoEnable" in your configuration file. FSStereoEnable is a Boolean value which can be set with 0 or 1, or the presence or absence of the option inside of the device section. option "FSStereoEnable" 2. Configure your monitor to the resolution and vertical refresh rate that supports frame sequential stereo. If the monitor is not configured appropriately, X will NOT start with FSS option enabled. A. See the Monitor Configuration information section below, and look under Manufacturer and Model to find a match for your monitor. If a match is found, choose a resolution and vertical refresh rate. If there is no match, choose "DefaultTiming". NOTE: Make sure your monitor supports the resolution and vertical refresh rate you choose under "DefaultTiming". B. Once a resolution and refresh rate have been chosen, edit the configuration file. 1. Copy the string listed under Manufacturer to Monitor Section, Vendor Name. 2. Copy the string under Module to Monitor Section, ModelName. 3. Copy the vertical refresh rate to Monitor Section, VertRefresh. 4. Copy the mode to Screen Section, Display Subsection, Modes. Example: Section "Screen" Identifier "Screen0" Device "Wildcat Graphics" Monitor "Monitor0" DefaultDepth 24 Subsection "Display" Depth 24 Modes "1440x900" EndSection EndSection Section "Monitor" Identifier "Monitor0" VendorName "Intergraph" ModelName "21sd100" HorizSync 30-100 VertRefresh 100 EndSection SCREEN SECTION: The device name under the screen section should be "Wildcat Graphics". Example: Section "Screen" Identifier "Screen0" Device "Wildcat Graphics" Monitor "Monitor0" DefaultDepth 24 Subsection "Display" Depth 24 Modes "1280x1024" "800x600" "640x480" EndSubsection EndSection MONITOR SECTION: There must be at least one monitor section in your configuration file. Refer to the XF86Config manpage for details. Example: Section "Monitor" Identifier "Monitor0" VendorName "Vendor Name" ModelName "Model Name" HorizSync 30-100 VertRefresh 50-160 EndSection ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Monitor Configuration information: Manufacturer Model Mode Vrefresh "DefaultTiming" "DefaultTiming" "1520x856" 120 106 "1440x900" 120 100 "1360x766" 120 118 "1280x800" 120 112 100 "1280x720" 120 110 "1152x864" 120 "1152x720" 120 110 "1024x768" 140 120 100 84 "800x600" 120 100 "640x480" 120 "Standard" "Generic Monitor" "1520x856" 106 "1440x900" 100 "1360x766" 118 "1280x800" 112 100 "1280x720" 120 110 "1152x864" 120 "1152x720" 120 110 "1024x768" 120 "800x600" 120 100 "640x480" 120 "DDC Monitor" "1520x856" 106 "1440x900" 100 "1360x766" 118 "1280x800" 112 100 "1280x720" 120 110 "1152x864" 120 "1152x720" 120 110 "1024x768" 120 "800x600" 120 100 "640x480" 120 "Intergraph" "21sd100" "1520x856" 106 "1440x900" 100 "1360x766" 118 "1280x800" 112 100 "1280x720" 120 110 "1152x720" 120 110 "21sd107A" "1520x856" 106 "1440x900" 100 "1360x766" 118 "1280x800" 112 100 "1280x720" 120 110 "1152x720" 120 110 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------